Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 28 - cleansing and detox

As an adjunct to my cleansing and detox, I am slowly learning other things as I go along. Things that probably should have been obvious to me before, or at least to which I should have paid attention. 

One I just learned today is: not all calories are created equally. You can read a label to see how many calories are in a certain product, but which calories are due to fats? Carbohydrates? Or proteins? So it's one thing to count calories, but another to see where those calories are coming from. Yes, I'm sure many of you already knew this, but from now on I'll be more aware whenever I read product labels. 

Another thing is if your goal is weight loss, for example, once the body over several months gets used to a routine of food consumption, then it's a good idea to change it up every now and then to keep the body guessing. There's much more to it than that, but it's just the idea that struck me.


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