Wednesday, May 1, 2013

funny URLs

Okay, it's been awhile since I've posted. 

And today, it's just a matter of copying and pasting so that's what I'll do. 

This is from something that I read on HostGator's website, one of several tips for choosing a domain name -  so yes, be mindful!

Tip #5 – Avoid unintentional domain hilarity

One final caveat when it comes to choosing a domain name is to carefully review your final selection before hitting the “Register” button for any inadvertently inappropriate language that might pop up.
To see what I mean, consider the real-life URLs for the following legitimate company names:
  • Pen Island – “”
  • IT Scrap – “”
  • Who Represents – “”
  • Experts Exchange – “”
  • Speed of Art – “”