Thursday, November 12, 2009

time travel writer

Time travel writer - now that sounds like a fun occupation! I suppose it would be no different than writing about history if one goes back in time, albeit in this instance having a first-hand account of events and writing with (more) certainty. As for going into the future, I haven't even thought about that yet...

Supposing it was possible to visit whichever historic events I wanted, where would I go? I might start out wanting to know the answers to the questions that haven't yet been solved: Did Booth act alone? How about Oswald? What happened to Amelia Earhart? What about Lindbergh's baby? Do we know for sure? These are just a bunch off the top of my head.

Then, after I had some of my questions answered, wouldn't it be amazing to go back and be able to witness the brilliant minds and talents as they worked and created? Shakespeare, Mozart, Da Vinci... after awhile though, I'd have to keep myself from spending too much time witnessing the past and not living in the present. Although it just occurred to me that I would treasure more time spent with my late parents.

Since no one knows for certain the meaning of life and what happens after we leave this world, wouldn't it be the most amazing thing to be able to do all of this time traveling in another lifetime?

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