Tuesday, November 17, 2009

between classes, along the quad

More memories from high school, I remember them well...

As I mentioned before, there was a girl in my high school in the class behind mine that I thought could have been in the pages of Playboy. Wow. She was so beautiful, I didn't even allow myself to have a crush on her, at least not so much that I went through the emotional pain of wondering how I was ever going to meet her, etc. Like I had a chance. I was, and am, not nearly that confident. But admiring her, what a rush!

I must have been a senior and she a junior when I happened to notice that for one session, she walked a particular path between classes. I decided that I had enough time to wander over to a nice spot for swooning at her, near the top of the quad, next to the benches, each day around the same time. Practically holding my breath, she'd sweep by walking from my right to my left. After my 'fix,' I'd continue on to my own class. Looking back, I wonder if anyone noticed me and how obvious it was. It seems like it must have been pretty obvious. Girls can tell, right?

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