Thursday, November 26, 2009

no eggshells and rice

Here's today's domestic hint:

If you have a food disposal, one thing I learned from ours backing up (not too long ago) is that you have to be very careful and particular about what goes down it. And before I even get to that, the pipe that runs directly out from the disposal has a diameter that is much narrower than a regular sink pipe. Hence, it can get clogged up much faster.

In any case, a couple of food scraps that should never go through the food disposal are
eggshells and rice. I figure that the residue of raw eggs adds a binding material to the ground-up shells, plus the starchy rice builds up over time. I don't really know just how it all works but now we hardly use the food disposal at all. The person who cleared the clog for us told me that his family doesn't even have a food disposal.

Hope this helps, and on that note...

Happy Thanksgiving!

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