Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 3 - cleansing and detox

This cleansing isn't easy, but it's manageable. It's simple enough to follow, but the thing is, as I mentioned before: I like to eat. I LOVE to eat! I long to attack an all-you-can-eat buffet, for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. But that's always been the case. Maybe just two buffet meals in a day. How about once a week for one mass consumption meal? 

I don't eat the most, and I certainly don't eat the fastest, but I like to savor every bite. I like the feeling of chewing food. That's why it's so helpful that this system has great tasting shakes and snacks yet also allows for one meal of 'real' food per day. But I'm still longing to 'pig out.'

I have to wonder though... if I did let myself loose now, how much I would be able to eat anyway... maybe my appetite is slowly shrinking. Maybe not.

Out of curiosity, I weighed myself this morning though I doubt it has that much meaning - it's only been three days. It was first thing in the morning before what I'm sure are the body's fluctuations of a typical day. Still, I'm down four or five pounds from my starting day. Of course I'm consuming a lot less. The real test will come at the end of the 30 days. How will I feel? How will I look? The mirror seems to show the same big gut. I've read that these products help eliminate the fat that directly surrounds the body's organs, not just what shows.

Referring back to yesterday's post, last night I didn't sleep for six hours straight as I did the night before. Time will tell for my energy levels and sleep patterns.

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