Wednesday, October 28, 2009

quick. editing.

I just saw a commercial for the new version of Windows, and for all the points that it was trying to make, I couldn't get past how quick the editing was. As in extremely short attention span quick editing. Or for those of you that remember, M-TV quick editing. I've turned away from concert video of my favorite bands because my eyes weren't allowed to relax and choose for themselves what to focus on; it was all decided for me by the editing. It may make sense to chop things up like that and indulge the increasing speed of contemporary life, but I wonder if it is symptomatic of much of what's wrong with today's society. Everything. has. to. happen. right. away. Quicker! Faster! Now!

Perhaps one thing that is needed is to re-align ourselves with the rhythm of nature - it keeps moving along at its own unhurried pace, no matter our efforts to change it. I'm reminded of ecopsychology, which emphasizes the movement out of our built environments and back towards nature. Maybe that explains why I've always been attracted to plants and gardening, and birds and birdwatching. I like the unhurried rhythm and getting attuned to nature's clock.

One of my favorite TV shows to watch as a child was called Thunderbirds. It involved the use of marionette puppets to portray a family cooperating to perform rescue-type missions. Part of the appeal was the drama created by the slow pace of movement of the characters - I wonder how the children of today would respond to such a show?

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