Sunday, June 6, 2010

collateral damage

I watched The Bourne Identity for the umpteenth time last night. Obviously, I really enjoy it... the entire Bourne series actually. It reminded me though of how we, as viewers, get accustomed to so-called collateral damage in action movies. Jason Bourne is often in peril and doing whatever necessary to preserve his life. Still, all the traffic accidents that occur as he zips through crowded streets could certainly result in death, yet who pays attention to that? Innocent police officers, simply doing their jobs to protect the public, could be losing their lives as they crash their vehicles.

Another favorite movie I like to watch whenever I come across it is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. And here's a movie that glorifies a couple of outlaws! (amiable as they are). It took me awhile to look at the Bolivian police officers that get shot as people simply doing their jobs often being killed by a Sundance Kid whom we've come to root for: "C'mon Sundance... good shot, yeah!" Oh well, as long as I remember it's a movie.

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