Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shannon: Abergavenny; Kim Wlde: Kids in America

Bear with me, these two songs really do have something to do with each other! 

Going way back to when I was growing up and had access to the bounty of albums and 45's that my siblings owned, was one whose cover still stands out in my mind. It's here in this video: 

Easy to imagine being seared in one's mind, right? This is one of the 45's in case you couldn't guess. 

Besides the song, of course, it's really the pinkish illustration of a Scottie looking dog and the name of the song that made an impression on me. That's how I was able to dust the cobwebs from my memory and find this.

In finding this on YouTube though, I learned other bits of information, such as the more common stage name of Shannon was... Marty Wilde. 

Ahhh, now we're starting to solve the mystery of why I paired these two videos together. 


Yes, Kim Wilde (real name Kim Smith) is one of the children of Marty Wilde (real name Reginald Leonard Smith), his eldest child, according to Wikipedia. I just discovered this bit of trivia last night when I was thinking about tonight's post.

And just for fun, here's another video with her looking at an old clip of him performing. Can you see the resemblance? 

Bonus points to any of you that recognize both of these songs! 

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