Sunday, February 6, 2011

the category is 'group'

The Super Bowl being today brought back a memory for me - involving a game show. It was a proud moment for me, my greatest triumph ever while watching 'Wheel of Fortune': I guessed correctly on a puzzle with ZERO letters! How is that possible you ask? Well, I'll tell you...

It goes way back to my days at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. A bunch of us were watching 'Wheel of Fortune' in our apartment (we were not regular watchers, by the way) and a puzzle came up and the category was 'group.' There were two words. And a thought suddenly occurred to me: Washington Redskins. So I quickly counted out the number of letters (the blank, unlit puzzle blocks) in each word: 10 in the first word, and 8 in the second. Yup, it worked out like the answer to the puzzle could very well be 'Washington Redskins.' And as the game played out, I was right!

Now, you may be wondering, how did I do that? It turns out that watching Wheel of Fortune several times before (not every night, mind you) helped me out. I recalled that less than a year earlier, the category was also 'group' and the solution to the puzzle was whichever team was the current World Series champion in baseball at the time. So when I watched this particular show, the Redskins happened to be the current Super Bowl champs. Pretty snazzy, huh? I solved the puzzle with zero letters showing.

I gotta take my triumphs whenever I can get them.

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