Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 20 - cleansing and detox

Two-thirds done! 

If you've been following these last 20 days of posts, you know that each day I've commented on how the previous day went. And yesterday went fine - not much to say. 

Today, I'm going to comment on today and a little bit on tomorrow. I just got off the phone with my cleanse coach (again, not a formal designation - he's kind of a cheerleader and answers my questions). You see, today is my 3rd cleanse day on this 30-day nutritional cleansing and detox, doing one cleanse day at the end of each week. And really, it's quite gentle... there's been no actual starving or suffering, and getting what I think are pretty darn good results so far. But one of the suggestions I read in the instructions is to do two cleanse days on back-to-back days. 

I ran the idea by my cleanse coach and he said that the best results come with having back-to-back cleanse days. That way the deeply rooted (or whatever terms he used) toxins get removed, and other cellular processes (my words) happen with the fat stores and what-not (you'd have to ask him)... well, in any case, things happen on the 2nd day of consecutive cleanse days that wouldn't happen on a regular schedule of cleanse days, which happen just once a week. 

So I am determined to give it a try: following today's cleanse day with another one tomorrow. 

We also discussed what I should be doing in the months after this one, and that depends on what my goals are. I have no idea how many pounds I would like to lose, only that I would like to slender down and lose my pot belly. Washboard abdominals would be a bonus if I'm dedicated enough to do that. But it seems I can look forward to weekly cleanses for awhile now. And having been through several already, I think I can handle that. They're not all that difficult.

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