Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 11 - cleansing and detox

I went another day without needing a nap yesterday! I can't tell you how monumental this is. I still have those moments in the afternoon where I can picture myself laying down, but now it's easier to resist. I'm feeling that all I have to do is keep busy or find something interesting to pay attention to and I'll get past the urge. Whereas before, I couldn't fight off the need for sleep.

I've read enough self-help books, or at least started to read or read most of these books, where I know what I should be doing to set and re-set my mind to think thoughts of accomplishment and what-not, but somehow the information never sunk in deeply enough to do much good. I'm feeling good enough now mentally and physically to re-read them now. I've started reading 'Psycho-Cybernetics' by Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S., again. It's about self-image psychology - kind of old-fashioned, but this time around I think the information will sink in more. 

Yet it's the books about The Law of Attraction that have been making the biggest difference in my mindset, even before I started this new cleansing and detox program. I'd like to think that it was applying the Law of Attraction that led me to the concept of cleansing in the first place! 

Besides more energy, I'm looking forward to going through my days feeling just plain happier. I've always been the drab, serious sort of person, and I actually woke up this morning feeling in a good mood. I don't want to paint a picture of me being depressed every single day until now - I have woken up feeling pretty good lots of times before, but if it's something a little different now, like I've fixed my body's chemistry somehow... how cool! 

I'm anticipating ups and downs though. It's not like I'm feeling a continuous 'high' like I'm on drugs or anything - I still go through my oh-so-human emotions. But if feeling happy is less work and less about constant reminders and being aware of what I'm thinking and is simply there - it will lift such a dark cloud from my life. 

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