Monday, December 17, 2012

beyond comprehension

How I wanted to bury my head and not even think about what happened on Friday in Newtown. There's no way I can come up with what to write in my little blog that will convey the emotions and sorrow that adequate convey how I am feeling, how we are all feeling, for the loss. 

It is times like these where one's faith can give one the strength to cope. Should there be an underlying belief that our times on Earth are but a small fraction of the entire existence of our souls, then we can tell ourselves that those lost are truly in a better place now. And that when each of our times come, there will be a reunion of the most intensely emotional and loving nature. The precious lives that were taken from us on Friday are now basking in the love of the Creator and their cherished loved ones. I am of the belief that that is the case regardless of faith, or even lack of faith - that God truly loves ALL of His children, even those that don't believe in Him, and that our times on Earth are but a small chapter of our existences. There is an eternity to bask in the Love of our Creator, even if we don't recognize it now.

That is the only way I can cope with this horrific tragedy, all those that have come before, and those that are yet to happen. Not just the tragedies of such senseless violence, but all that happen in this realm of existence.

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