Recently, it was actor Alan Rickman's birthday. And the other night, I happened to catch part of the film 'Die Hard' playing on TV. Rickman portrayed the uber-villain Hans Gruber. As far as bad guys go, Hans Gruber is like an icon.
Many years after 'Die Hard,' the Harry Potter series of movies started coming out. And in the role of Severus Snape? Alan Rickman! For me, I can't help but think that it's Hans Gruber in the role of Severus Snape; I suppose for others who see him in Harry Potter first and then in Die Hard, it's more like seeing Severus Snape playing Hans Gruber. Of course, as an actor, I'm sure that Mr. Rickman would just as soon people not recognize him from any other role he's played, yet for the viewer it's a natural thing to do. And in this case, neither role is exactly the protagonist...
It's amusing to think that for an entire generation, Sir Alec Guinness was the guy who played Obi-Wan Kenobi - for me anyway. Yet, he had made a name for himself as an actor long before Star Wars. I wonder what all the people who knew him for such films as 'The Bridge On the River Kwai' thought when he became more popularly known as a Jedi Master!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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